One Mind
Although a topic is more than twice, it ceases to be true ... and forgotten: the human being is composed of body, mind and spirit, which will now call heart at least in this discussion, because when we speak of spirit we usually think of something more ethereal, and even report on something related only to religion and / or philosophy ... however, if the above is not fake we often forget that the spirit has to do with visceral sensations and even sometimes give biological side in peace when we put our emotions, but they are still equally important to the level of the most soulish. So when I use the term heart, I try to join at the same time less physical elements of the mind (feelings) with the most (such as physical pain caused by anxiety). The relationship with martial arts and by extension with life itself is very simple: in any action we do from the most everyday and talking to a coworker to the less common such as getting into a ring at stake for both physical elements (breath, glances, gestures ...), and mental (thoughts, neurological ...) and the heart, the latter being governed by the previous two to the point that a person is able to be free from pressure in the most tense moments of your life if you have a clear head and relaxed body or else his heart may be in a fist with the easiest problems just because your mind is blocked and your body has a surge.
It is rather strange, how strange it would tell what I will say, that a fighter is nervous just before going into battle, even one or two days earlier. This nervousness can be used for using "positive adrenaline" to be more alert to the attacks of an adversary or lléndonos further back on the date of the meeting, have some fear of losing and doubts about one's ability is a good thing if the wrestler in question uses both sensations to train harder putting his whole soul into polish bugs is in your technique and strategy. It is also true that I have met real good martial artists who lose over and over again, some even stopped going out to the arena, leaning back just a few hours before the fight, "for blocking his mind: fear, nervousness, uncertainty that is normal to interpret it in a negative way that leads them to the point of losing control over himself inundated those feelings and forced to leave. All had one thing in common: they shrank the heart because of an illusion ... your thoughts. Each of these warriors were eating their heads thinking that the man in front would be superior to them, that the public would not be on their side, that fatigue would be beyond his strength ... his imagincación lost much earlier than in reality, but the mind is so strange that in spite of not understanding just a three percent of processing has the power to make real the imagined, to project her thoughts that we have to exomundo and turn them into something as tangible as we want to be, to make the unreal real.
We can train our body to the point that our strength, depth, agility and other physical abilities are the perfect, have a heart inclined to accept any challenge, train more hours than the other fellow, eating a and dietary supplementation ideal ... but if our mind is dull and counter negative thoughts that lie, although in principle we are continually convinced themselves that I can not, I can not, I'm not so good, I do not deserve. .. any effort will fall on deaf ears because before it expires we will be defeated enemy and ourselves. Hain
very different ways by which we can control the mind and make it a useful for us: the principal is ignored. It's true: like any other living creature, whatever they say, are rational, but our reason must be limited to cognitive learning, that is, the mental process we do when we are reading an instruction manual or attend an explanation ... our reason raises a series of thinking processes by which we soaked in the knowledge that we are receiving. The problem is when that reasoning or thought process is not used as a means of assimilation, but as a way of creation: instead of using the brain to process data, we use it to create and therein lies the problem, and that is when began to create ideas or directly negative cowering our mood or overly positive ideas are often not in concert with the reality, since this depends not only on our thoughts and then sometimes we get to states disappointment and / or frustration at not match what happens in our heads with what happens in reality. Therefore, the best way that our mind is not an enemy is not to develop preconceived thoughts or ideas in it ... and when these arise from unconscious-all has happened to us that the mind attaches to wander alone - let those thoughts, those images and sounds that are being created in our brain flow, but we must never try to stop them, because otherwise we will be doing is just focusing on them and enter back into the creative process. At the end of the day when a flood happens is no sensible middle course would try to water stop it, but you'd take a side just to expect that water go away by itself. Besides
not recreate in our mental ideas, whether pleasant or not, we will not make a conscious effort at the time to act. As I said above, the reason we used to learn, but if we act in a rational, thinking each and every one of our gestures, hitting, words, looks ... what we are doing is hindering the proper development of the act you want to achieve and, therefore, we will be stopping to get we want. Once we have internalized a technique, a new figure why the hell we think of "how" as we do? When we do act in an intuitive, bordering on unconsciousness, knowing that the knowledge is there no need for us to focus on them when we are putting into practice: we should not focus on what we do, but we want to achieve the goal what we do, letting the action flow for themselves ... after all, we are only the means of our actions, but never acts in themselves. Also if
despite repeated over and over again the same action must constantly fail, first, change that action by any other within the same line, for example, if I can not split a watermelon using vertical knife I will use it horizontally, and if that fails, perhaps it is time to change tools-if the knife is useless cuaquier me how you use it, you should probably use a saw however absurd and unexpected that I look-.En martial arts, such as in kickboxing, it would be something like being unable to knock out or even touch my opponent by left hooks and right, then it will be time to use the live ... and if things do not work, you should wonder if it would be better use your legs against the adversary, how well I use fists.
At the same time that if we embark on a company not being successful in this we must change both the actions that lead to failure as the tools we're using if the above does not work, it is also futile to focus on the fault which will lead only to anxiety, frustration, despair, inactivity and, finally, defeat ... Rather we should focus on the problem that we have raised. For example, if doing a multiplication am unable to resolve, never give the solution if I use my head to turn to "I'm bad at math and do not give the result" ... so you better use my brain to focus more thoroughly on the processes that I developed to perform this multiplication without giving importance to the fact that I am failing . At the end of the * in the problem is the solution. " Nor
eschucharé voices outside: wrestlers often hear things like "won because the other was a package," he was lucky and nothing more "," will never be as good as ...", or "is best fighter in the gym, "" You're going to smoke this guy, "you'll be a great champion," ... Whether a few sentences as other hain to ignore them: in the case of the first because often frustrated and envious say that being unable to get the results they wish, seek to harm those around them to realize that the "evil of much consolation of fools" ... and in other cases, these sentences will say people do succeed at what they do, but are full of vanity: they want to feel bigger than they are, which has enormous superiority complex and / or excessive lack of care- making others feel small, which only give resutltado if we give weight to their words. In the case of praise, it is not good to ignore them, because they often frustrated people also say they are able to deceive those around them just to feel partners in the success of others even if it is an illusion, so if you pay attention to their flattery we can fall into a dangerous self-confidence and stop fictitious prepare properly. If we hear someone is ourselves and as we see throughout this text, rather little: the courage and faith, self-pity and self-deception is a rather narrow line.
As we see, either for stepping on a mat and race or something as ordinary as chatting with a friend, we put the whole heart, which is governed mainly by the mind which may be the biggest ally or worst enemy. I hope that with these words if they have not learned something new with them, then at least they have spurred a desire to seek control of the mind, either because the channel it is. Finally, if I may, I will leave a few tips to appease the head while not contrasting "scientific" at least my experience tells me that, at least, no harm done:
-search some time, ideally an hour a day, just to disconnect leaving a blank mind, losing awareness of everything and everyone-even-.Se ourselves a difficult question with the responsibilities we have and to be persons which they are unable devote so much time having to deal with a job, a family, a business ... but still try it, even while showering or even sacrifice that half an hour of TV or read before sleep at that time at peace with us same. Regarding the medium is simple: to prevent any thought of it makes us prey, coloquémonos in the most comfortable position to find, close our eyes and concentrate solely on breathing, notice how the air enters the nose and out the mouth. "Try
greet at least one person daily, the more the better, with a hug. The mere touch of a loved one causes us to solve for even only for a few seconds ... second to second the day is done.
"In line with this, look hollow to stroke or simply watch an animal, although we have no pets ... you live near a park full of pigeons or near an alley with some cats: let us have lunch, see how they act, sing ... let's hear simply to distract a while bichillos we will do much good.
-Find the water is said to have a "hollow ionization lacking" and that the fill water. Not sure if it so or not, but I am sure that every time I go to the beach and play in the ocean, I feel tired after a while, but after that "Malaise" I find a greater vitality than before getting into the water. Who lacks sea, in search of a lake or a river or just take a shower with cold water rather: look like minutes after you feel full of energy. Daily
least one thing you fear, especially if you're going to do is likely to leave you a fool. There must be things like parachute, only by having a small conversation with a stranger if you are shy, or apologize to someone if we are resentful. I assure you that the simple act of trying to overcome little fears we will be releasing more and more of our prejudices, negative thoughts, anxieties ... ultimately, ourselves.
"From time to time do something new. It goes very in relation to the previous idea, the end of the day's biggest fear is the unknown, and, for that matter, just little things, like trying a new food or at all if we shave a beard for many years .. . if it goes wrong absolutely nothing happens: nuestas favorite meal there and the beard will grow back.
-Lee as you can and listen to music, even a couple of pages of comic books or children's song: they are two good ways to blur the mind and, above all, to learn.
"When you feel sad or lonely and have no means of contacting anyone remember happy things have happened to you people that currently do not have bad relationship. Is not negative, as would be imagined happy things: whether the recall is because they occurred and, therefore, will never go out of step with reality, so there is no risk of getting into a state of disappointment, frustration , etc.
-Do not use drugs, including alcohol and snuff: they give a false sense of pleasure in the "high" artificial endorphins that happens when you give a great sadness and anxiety. Even should be eliminated from the diet soft drinks and avoid anything containing refined sugar.
"Do not think dedicating waste time doing repetitive tasks and" unproductive "as origami or make yourself: you keep your mind focused in the action which will help you relax.
"If we are religious pray every day and if not, simply unburdening our problems, joys, fears, doubts ... talking out loud as if we dirigiésemos to a loved one. If you choose to pray, you do not do it "fabricated" but we feel like (reciting psalms, suras, mantras ...): just simply talking to God as you would speak to a good friend. It is convenient to do both to start the day and the finish.
-take care of our personal appearance, but for ourselves: never change your style of image for someone or you feel self-conscious if you're not the good looking enough. Dress and comb your hair, if you're not bald, the way you feel more beautiful or at least less ugly. Never wear makeup, visutería / jewelry cosmetic surgery even less if you can afford it, they are things that will give a false image of yourself that you will gradually overwhelming the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing "perfect."
-Never seek to be "the best" simply seeks to improve, some will always surpass us and although we may be the best at something, even after death we shall make due. Just do things because you enjoy doing them without thinking about competitiveness, although in competition: It's fun giving 100% of what you're capable, not that. After all the winning and losing are only concepts and the real triumph lies in the constant struggle.
Well I'm sure I left many ideas in the pipeline simply because they do not know. I hope you enjoy and be happy today.
* Quote from Bruce Lee from his book The tao of jeet kune do .
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