Sunday, May 13, 2007

Speech To Shareholders

Activities Sunday May 13

Video Short:

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(Click on photos to enlarge)

Speech To Shareholders

Activities Sunday May 13

Video Short:

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(Click on photos to enlarge)

Speech To Shareholders

Activities Sunday May 13

Video Short:

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(Click on photos to enlarge)

Speech To Shareholders

Activities Sunday May 13

Video Short:

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(Click on photos to enlarge)

Speech To Shareholders

Activities Sunday May 13

Video Short:

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(Click on photos to enlarge)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Jansport Vs. North Face Durability

Valencia: (Historical Review)
The City of Our Lady of the Annunciation of the Nueva Valencia del Rey, was founded mid-sixteenth century, during colonial rule of Captain General Don Alonso Arias Villasinda, between the years 1553 and 1557 even though traditionally and historically has had with Alonso Díaz Moreno, Juan Vicente Diaz de Villegas and direct as its founders. Traditionally it has been established on March 25, 1555, the official date of foundation of our city of Valencia.
The oldest traces of man in Valencia was found during construction of the factory of the Private Industry Michelena Palmolive. Although most of the specimens were preserved by those who made the findings, archaeologist José María Cruxent could visit the scene and rescue some objects bound to the Science Museum: a grinding stone, two pestles, three axes. These objects were placed chronologically within the complex Michelena (IV millennium BC) and is included within the anthropological literature as the stage of hunter-gatherers: groups engaged in shellfish harvesting marine and terrestrial small game practice and experimental forms of plant domestication. From its founding to the present, our Gran Valencia del Rey, has also served as the seat of citizens of other regions of the country, who have found in this city, a space for shared values \u200b\u200band personal development, providing the best, to make Valencia, the city mirror Venezuela. 2005 was cuadringentésimo officially commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of its founding .

Urbanización "La Isabela" History:
After the fall of Perez Jimenez in the year 58-59. The President Romulo Betancourt announced the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a company built to support the development of the industrial zone. The studies were commissioned to address the urban development of MOP (Ministry of Public Works). The MOP in conjunction with the Workers' Bank selected a spot where it was working to build the city where the city would be?. Some opposed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a city worker, wanted to make a great development, not workers, to a development where it would accommodate people of different income levels, professionals, technicians and workers. The controversy between the MOP and the Banco Obrero was tremendous, it was stressed that the city workers would not work. this controversy is centered on the fact that he had an idea to build the development to Los Guayos and the Ministry approved development to the south, and finally chose this area. There was awareness that the South was flooded, why drainage channels had priority. While this was the dilemma between these two areas began experimental housing program in San Blas. With the initiative of Enrique (Hernandez), Head of the Project of San Blas and La Isabela, in fact he moved there and lived 2 or 3 years to be aware of it, with his initiative. He was project manager Isabelica formerly head of the unit for research and development, design development, who developed this program was experimental. This was famous, not only by architects but the Banco Obrero companies; they ended up designing the development of San Blas in which I use a construction based on steel structures, up to 4 floors, so that development there , so called development progress, anticipate future developments. The prize for the companies was a contract to build in San Blas. Once firms were selected, Enrique Hernández was working with the project team, students or recent graduates of the Faculty of Architecture, unity teacher, sharing in the power functions of the Banco Obrero Obrero
Bank acquired through purchase and sale agreement that celebrates with Juan Carmona, Oscar Guruceaga, Eugene Capucio, Raul Zarikian, Salvador Salvatierra rooms, Anibal Montenegro. Arturo Camacho, Miguel Angel Senior, Company limited en commandite "Benacerrat Coriat Susesores of Abraham", a farm called "La Isabela", located in the jurisdiction of the Municipality of San Blas, with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.027340,00 m2. The price of this sale is the amount of Bs 2,456,868.00 at the rate of Bs.2, 3 m2. Event recorded in the Registry Office District Subordinate Valencia on September 13th, 1965 under Issue 48, Folios164 177 Protocol 1st, Volume 11.
As also purchase the succession "Rauber Avendaño" an estate called Isabelica down "with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.5.75.979,80 m2. In the amount of Bs Bs.3.782.270.40 at a rate of 2.3 m2. According to documents filed with the Registry Office District subordinate Valencia on September 24, 1965 noted under Issue 62, pages 241 to 246, the 1st Protocol, Volume 11.
It started implementing the new approaches inspired by the English cities and, specifically, the Plan Hoock Since its inception in the 70's to today, Isabel has become territorial partner. This process is characterized by the impact of different stages housing policy, social and economic strategies on the dynamics of urbanization and socio respective organizational responses.
The perceptions of one of the founders of The Isabelica, 70 and 80 (Flor Jimenez), was a time of social harmony and solidarity in Isabela. "There was participation had green areas, community integration, we were all integrated, related, in the 70's was a boom sport and organized fairs Isabela. Now there is much difference between one community and another.
Year 1983 (Official Gazette Extraordinary No. 3241 of August 18), constituted the first Associations Neighborhood. 2000 begins execution at Isabela REHABILITATION PROGRAM of CONAVI popular neighborhoods. In this program, primarily involving the national public sector, represented by CONAVI and local government, represented by the Mayor of Valencia through FUNVAL.
According to the original planning in 4775 built the house Elizabeth apartments in thirteen and 3650 UD (Unit D), later renamed by sector.
In 1965, the president of Venezuela Raúl Leoni urbanization legally founded under the name of "Isabel", which was part of the Rafael Urdaneta old town, now a parish Rafael Urdaneta Municipality of Valencia, Carabobo State. The first settlements of the sector started in 04, was gradually extended to form the satellite city of Elizabeth as Valencia. At the same time formed the Industrial zone. With the arrival of the Ford Company of Venezuela one of the first to settle in the area. Boom brought great socioeconomic Isabela.
The first years, urbanization was only housing and the central part of the complex was a green lung, the Plaza Andres Bello also created as a place of entertainment with a variety of trees brought in especially for her. then began installing some businesses such as bakeries, shops, barber shops, Ladies hairdressers, shoe shops, supermarkets, etc and lately a large number of small kiosks that have occupied the old green areas and sidewalks. For 2005, the population was estimated at 78,000 inhabitants The Isabelica almost 50% of the inhabitants of the Rafael Urdaneta parish to which he belongs.

The community is organized into three areas: sectors, blocks and center island. It has a
approximate area of \u200b\u200b190 hectares (Source: GIS - Mayor of Valencia). In the sectors located mainly detached houses, there are 13 sectors, 5 of them located north of urbanization (1 to 5) and the rest (6 to 13) located to the south. While blocks are located in multifamily housing. There are 79 blocks located in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe development. However, there are 10 blocks located in sector 6 to 13 (Blocks 1 to 10).
In the central island located sports, markets and other stores, is a busy area of \u200b\u200bshops, such as copy centers, popular markets, Auto markets, supplies and hardware, liquor, Restaurants, Bakeries, Fast Food Centers and rubber.

Additionally, Isabel has a peripheral market that
covers an area of \u200b\u200b24,560 meters square, little more than two (02) hectares, is located near the central island of urbanization. It was built between 1976-1978 by the municipal administration
time in order to provide residents of the surrounding areas
food supply.

The inhabitants of the urbanization of Elizabeth and her business growing,
generate approximately 80 tons of garbage daily (Source: asci Carabobo).

Sector 05,

northeast of the complex is comprised of 239 houses and a block with 64 apartments, approximately 2,800 people living around. In the lower block 10 has a large supply, style supermarket, two hairdressers too. The private school "Mother of God" has over fifteen years and North Avenue south to 01 is the Clinic "Santa Barbara Bendita" no fast food sales, wholesale auto parts, pay movies, telephones and some others. And outside the sector but close we have two pharmacies, colleges and national colleges, toward the center of the complex are sports fields, swimming pools. The sector itself is a baseball field, softball field and tennis court and basket. At the health clinic there is also an SRI. Integrated Rehabilitation Service, north of the sector. A broken
stormwater and sewage runs along the peripherally by the north and east, through proper channels and never had problems with overflow.
more problems reported by the community are the failures of water pressure that have worsened over the past five years, probably due to the increase in neighboring populations. Security problems, so is managing the project for a community house, which must take the office of the Communal Council, a large multipurpose room, and a police mini module and a small medical office.

Currently the urban green areas have been filled with quick sales tarantines (Kiosks) This has caused great annoyance to neighbors.
The Sector 5 has an area of \u200b\u200b8.5 hectares approx. Including the sports field. It is located southeast of the city of Valencia, between the coordinates (10 º 09 '59 35' N - 10 º 10 '16 36' N and 67 º 57 '59 03 "O - 67 º 58' 11 70" O)
For people of the Isabelica, Valencia, Venezuela enters here

Jansport Vs. North Face Durability

Valencia: (Historical Review)
The City of Our Lady of the Annunciation of the Nueva Valencia del Rey, was founded mid-sixteenth century, during colonial rule of Captain General Don Alonso Arias Villasinda, between the years 1553 and 1557 even though traditionally and historically has had with Alonso Díaz Moreno, Juan Vicente Diaz de Villegas and direct as its founders. Traditionally it has been established on March 25, 1555, the official date of foundation of our city of Valencia.
The oldest traces of man in Valencia was found during construction of the factory of the Private Industry Michelena Palmolive. Although most of the specimens were preserved by those who made the findings, archaeologist José María Cruxent could visit the scene and rescue some objects bound to the Science Museum: a grinding stone, two pestles, three axes. These objects were placed chronologically within the complex Michelena (IV millennium BC) and is included within the anthropological literature as the stage of hunter-gatherers: groups engaged in shellfish harvesting marine and terrestrial small game practice and experimental forms of plant domestication. From its founding to the present, our Gran Valencia del Rey, has also served as the seat of citizens of other regions of the country, who have found in this city, a space for shared values \u200b\u200band personal development, providing the best, to make Valencia, the city mirror Venezuela. 2005 was cuadringentésimo officially commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of its founding .

Urbanización "La Isabela" History:
After the fall of Perez Jimenez in the year 58-59. The President Romulo Betancourt announced the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a company built to support the development of the industrial zone. The studies were commissioned to address the urban development of MOP (Ministry of Public Works). The MOP in conjunction with the Workers' Bank selected a spot where it was working to build the city where the city would be?. Some opposed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a city worker, wanted to make a great development, not workers, to a development where it would accommodate people of different income levels, professionals, technicians and workers. The controversy between the MOP and the Banco Obrero was tremendous, it was stressed that the city workers would not work. this controversy is centered on the fact that he had an idea to build the development to Los Guayos and the Ministry approved development to the south, and finally chose this area. There was awareness that the South was flooded, why drainage channels had priority. While this was the dilemma between these two areas began experimental housing program in San Blas. With the initiative of Enrique (Hernandez), Head of the Project of San Blas and La Isabela, in fact he moved there and lived 2 or 3 years to be aware of it, with his initiative. He was project manager Isabelica formerly head of the unit for research and development, design development, who developed this program was experimental. This was famous, not only by architects but the Banco Obrero companies; they ended up designing the development of San Blas in which I use a construction based on steel structures, up to 4 floors, so that development there , so called development progress, anticipate future developments. The prize for the companies was a contract to build in San Blas. Once firms were selected, Enrique Hernández was working with the project team, students or recent graduates of the Faculty of Architecture, unity teacher, sharing in the power functions of the Banco Obrero Obrero
Bank acquired through purchase and sale agreement that celebrates with Juan Carmona, Oscar Guruceaga, Eugene Capucio, Raul Zarikian, Salvador Salvatierra rooms, Anibal Montenegro. Arturo Camacho, Miguel Angel Senior, Company limited en commandite "Benacerrat Coriat Susesores of Abraham", a farm called "La Isabela", located in the jurisdiction of the Municipality of San Blas, with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.027340,00 m2. The price of this sale is the amount of Bs 2,456,868.00 at the rate of Bs.2, 3 m2. Event recorded in the Registry Office District Subordinate Valencia on September 13th, 1965 under Issue 48, Folios164 177 Protocol 1st, Volume 11.
As also purchase the succession "Rauber Avendaño" an estate called Isabelica down "with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.5.75.979,80 m2. In the amount of Bs Bs.3.782.270.40 at a rate of 2.3 m2. According to documents filed with the Registry Office District subordinate Valencia on September 24, 1965 noted under Issue 62, pages 241 to 246, the 1st Protocol, Volume 11.
It started implementing the new approaches inspired by the English cities and, specifically, the Plan Hoock Since its inception in the 70's to today, Isabel has become territorial partner. This process is characterized by the impact of different stages housing policy, social and economic strategies on the dynamics of urbanization and socio respective organizational responses.
The perceptions of one of the founders of The Isabelica, 70 and 80 (Flor Jimenez), was a time of social harmony and solidarity in Isabela. "There was participation had green areas, community integration, we were all integrated, related, in the 70's was a boom sport and organized fairs Isabela. Now there is much difference between one community and another.
Year 1983 (Official Gazette Extraordinary No. 3241 of August 18), constituted the first Associations Neighborhood. 2000 begins execution at Isabela REHABILITATION PROGRAM of CONAVI popular neighborhoods. In this program, primarily involving the national public sector, represented by CONAVI and local government, represented by the Mayor of Valencia through FUNVAL.
According to the original planning in 4775 built the house Elizabeth apartments in thirteen and 3650 UD (Unit D), later renamed by sector.
In 1965, the president of Venezuela Raúl Leoni urbanization legally founded under the name of "Isabel", which was part of the Rafael Urdaneta old town, now a parish Rafael Urdaneta Municipality of Valencia, Carabobo State. The first settlements of the sector started in 04, was gradually extended to form the satellite city of Elizabeth as Valencia. At the same time formed the Industrial zone. With the arrival of the Ford Company of Venezuela one of the first to settle in the area. Boom brought great socioeconomic Isabela.
The first years, urbanization was only housing and the central part of the complex was a green lung, the Plaza Andres Bello also created as a place of entertainment with a variety of trees brought in especially for her. then began installing some businesses such as bakeries, shops, barber shops, Ladies hairdressers, shoe shops, supermarkets, etc and lately a large number of small kiosks that have occupied the old green areas and sidewalks. For 2005, the population was estimated at 78,000 inhabitants The Isabelica almost 50% of the inhabitants of the Rafael Urdaneta parish to which he belongs.

The community is organized into three areas: sectors, blocks and center island. It has a
approximate area of \u200b\u200b190 hectares (Source: GIS - Mayor of Valencia). In the sectors located mainly detached houses, there are 13 sectors, 5 of them located north of urbanization (1 to 5) and the rest (6 to 13) located to the south. While blocks are located in multifamily housing. There are 79 blocks located in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe development. However, there are 10 blocks located in sector 6 to 13 (Blocks 1 to 10).
In the central island located sports, markets and other stores, is a busy area of \u200b\u200bshops, such as copy centers, popular markets, Auto markets, supplies and hardware, liquor, Restaurants, Bakeries, Fast Food Centers and rubber.

Additionally, Isabel has a peripheral market that
covers an area of \u200b\u200b24,560 meters square, little more than two (02) hectares, is located near the central island of urbanization. It was built between 1976-1978 by the municipal administration
time in order to provide residents of the surrounding areas
food supply.

The inhabitants of the urbanization of Elizabeth and her business growing,
generate approximately 80 tons of garbage daily (Source: asci Carabobo).

Sector 05,

northeast of the complex is comprised of 239 houses and a block with 64 apartments, approximately 2,800 people living around. In the lower block 10 has a large supply, style supermarket, two hairdressers too. The private school "Mother of God" has over fifteen years and North Avenue south to 01 is the Clinic "Santa Barbara Bendita" no fast food sales, wholesale auto parts, pay movies, telephones and some others. And outside the sector but close we have two pharmacies, colleges and national colleges, toward the center of the complex are sports fields, swimming pools. The sector itself is a baseball field, softball field and tennis court and basket. At the health clinic there is also an SRI. Integrated Rehabilitation Service, north of the sector. A broken
stormwater and sewage runs along the peripherally by the north and east, through proper channels and never had problems with overflow.
more problems reported by the community are the failures of water pressure that have worsened over the past five years, probably due to the increase in neighboring populations. Security problems, so is managing the project for a community house, which must take the office of the Communal Council, a large multipurpose room, and a police mini module and a small medical office.

Currently the urban green areas have been filled with quick sales tarantines (Kiosks) This has caused great annoyance to neighbors.
The Sector 5 has an area of \u200b\u200b8.5 hectares approx. Including the sports field. It is located southeast of the city of Valencia, between the coordinates (10 º 09 '59 35' N - 10 º 10 '16 36' N and 67 º 57 '59 03 "O - 67 º 58' 11 70" O)
For people of the Isabelica, Valencia, Venezuela enters here

Jansport Vs. North Face Durability

Valencia: (Historical Review)
The City of Our Lady of the Annunciation of the Nueva Valencia del Rey, was founded mid-sixteenth century, during colonial rule of Captain General Don Alonso Arias Villasinda, between the years 1553 and 1557 even though traditionally and historically has had with Alonso Díaz Moreno, Juan Vicente Diaz de Villegas and direct as its founders. Traditionally it has been established on March 25, 1555, the official date of foundation of our city of Valencia.
The oldest traces of man in Valencia was found during construction of the factory of the Private Industry Michelena Palmolive. Although most of the specimens were preserved by those who made the findings, archaeologist José María Cruxent could visit the scene and rescue some objects bound to the Science Museum: a grinding stone, two pestles, three axes. These objects were placed chronologically within the complex Michelena (IV millennium BC) and is included within the anthropological literature as the stage of hunter-gatherers: groups engaged in shellfish harvesting marine and terrestrial small game practice and experimental forms of plant domestication. From its founding to the present, our Gran Valencia del Rey, has also served as the seat of citizens of other regions of the country, who have found in this city, a space for shared values \u200b\u200band personal development, providing the best, to make Valencia, the city mirror Venezuela. 2005 was cuadringentésimo officially commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of its founding .

Urbanización "La Isabela" History:
After the fall of Perez Jimenez in the year 58-59. The President Romulo Betancourt announced the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a company built to support the development of the industrial zone. The studies were commissioned to address the urban development of MOP (Ministry of Public Works). The MOP in conjunction with the Workers' Bank selected a spot where it was working to build the city where the city would be?. Some opposed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a city worker, wanted to make a great development, not workers, to a development where it would accommodate people of different income levels, professionals, technicians and workers. The controversy between the MOP and the Banco Obrero was tremendous, it was stressed that the city workers would not work. this controversy is centered on the fact that he had an idea to build the development to Los Guayos and the Ministry approved development to the south, and finally chose this area. There was awareness that the South was flooded, why drainage channels had priority. While this was the dilemma between these two areas began experimental housing program in San Blas. With the initiative of Enrique (Hernandez), Head of the Project of San Blas and La Isabela, in fact he moved there and lived 2 or 3 years to be aware of it, with his initiative. He was project manager Isabelica formerly head of the unit for research and development, design development, who developed this program was experimental. This was famous, not only by architects but the Banco Obrero companies; they ended up designing the development of San Blas in which I use a construction based on steel structures, up to 4 floors, so that development there , so called development progress, anticipate future developments. The prize for the companies was a contract to build in San Blas. Once firms were selected, Enrique Hernández was working with the project team, students or recent graduates of the Faculty of Architecture, unity teacher, sharing in the power functions of the Banco Obrero Obrero
Bank acquired through purchase and sale agreement that celebrates with Juan Carmona, Oscar Guruceaga, Eugene Capucio, Raul Zarikian, Salvador Salvatierra rooms, Anibal Montenegro. Arturo Camacho, Miguel Angel Senior, Company limited en commandite "Benacerrat Coriat Susesores of Abraham", a farm called "La Isabela", located in the jurisdiction of the Municipality of San Blas, with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.027340,00 m2. The price of this sale is the amount of Bs 2,456,868.00 at the rate of Bs.2, 3 m2. Event recorded in the Registry Office District Subordinate Valencia on September 13th, 1965 under Issue 48, Folios164 177 Protocol 1st, Volume 11.
As also purchase the succession "Rauber Avendaño" an estate called Isabelica down "with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.5.75.979,80 m2. In the amount of Bs Bs.3.782.270.40 at a rate of 2.3 m2. According to documents filed with the Registry Office District subordinate Valencia on September 24, 1965 noted under Issue 62, pages 241 to 246, the 1st Protocol, Volume 11.
It started implementing the new approaches inspired by the English cities and, specifically, the Plan Hoock Since its inception in the 70's to today, Isabel has become territorial partner. This process is characterized by the impact of different stages housing policy, social and economic strategies on the dynamics of urbanization and socio respective organizational responses.
The perceptions of one of the founders of The Isabelica, 70 and 80 (Flor Jimenez), was a time of social harmony and solidarity in Isabela. "There was participation had green areas, community integration, we were all integrated, related, in the 70's was a boom sport and organized fairs Isabela. Now there is much difference between one community and another.
Year 1983 (Official Gazette Extraordinary No. 3241 of August 18), constituted the first Associations Neighborhood. 2000 begins execution at Isabela REHABILITATION PROGRAM of CONAVI popular neighborhoods. In this program, primarily involving the national public sector, represented by CONAVI and local government, represented by the Mayor of Valencia through FUNVAL.
According to the original planning in 4775 built the house Elizabeth apartments in thirteen and 3650 UD (Unit D), later renamed by sector.
In 1965, the president of Venezuela Raúl Leoni urbanization legally founded under the name of "Isabel", which was part of the Rafael Urdaneta old town, now a parish Rafael Urdaneta Municipality of Valencia, Carabobo State. The first settlements of the sector started in 04, was gradually extended to form the satellite city of Elizabeth as Valencia. At the same time formed the Industrial zone. With the arrival of the Ford Company of Venezuela one of the first to settle in the area. Boom brought great socioeconomic Isabela.
The first years, urbanization was only housing and the central part of the complex was a green lung, the Plaza Andres Bello also created as a place of entertainment with a variety of trees brought in especially for her. then began installing some businesses such as bakeries, shops, barber shops, Ladies hairdressers, shoe shops, supermarkets, etc and lately a large number of small kiosks that have occupied the old green areas and sidewalks. For 2005, the population was estimated at 78,000 inhabitants The Isabelica almost 50% of the inhabitants of the Rafael Urdaneta parish to which he belongs.

The community is organized into three areas: sectors, blocks and center island. It has a
approximate area of \u200b\u200b190 hectares (Source: GIS - Mayor of Valencia). In the sectors located mainly detached houses, there are 13 sectors, 5 of them located north of urbanization (1 to 5) and the rest (6 to 13) located to the south. While blocks are located in multifamily housing. There are 79 blocks located in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe development. However, there are 10 blocks located in sector 6 to 13 (Blocks 1 to 10).
In the central island located sports, markets and other stores, is a busy area of \u200b\u200bshops, such as copy centers, popular markets, Auto markets, supplies and hardware, liquor, Restaurants, Bakeries, Fast Food Centers and rubber.

Additionally, Isabel has a peripheral market that
covers an area of \u200b\u200b24,560 meters square, little more than two (02) hectares, is located near the central island of urbanization. It was built between 1976-1978 by the municipal administration
time in order to provide residents of the surrounding areas
food supply.

The inhabitants of the urbanization of Elizabeth and her business growing,
generate approximately 80 tons of garbage daily (Source: asci Carabobo).

Sector 05,

northeast of the complex is comprised of 239 houses and a block with 64 apartments, approximately 2,800 people living around. In the lower block 10 has a large supply, style supermarket, two hairdressers too. The private school "Mother of God" has over fifteen years and North Avenue south to 01 is the Clinic "Santa Barbara Bendita" no fast food sales, wholesale auto parts, pay movies, telephones and some others. And outside the sector but close we have two pharmacies, colleges and national colleges, toward the center of the complex are sports fields, swimming pools. The sector itself is a baseball field, softball field and tennis court and basket. At the health clinic there is also an SRI. Integrated Rehabilitation Service, north of the sector. A broken
stormwater and sewage runs along the peripherally by the north and east, through proper channels and never had problems with overflow.
more problems reported by the community are the failures of water pressure that have worsened over the past five years, probably due to the increase in neighboring populations. Security problems, so is managing the project for a community house, which must take the office of the Communal Council, a large multipurpose room, and a police mini module and a small medical office.

Currently the urban green areas have been filled with quick sales tarantines (Kiosks) This has caused great annoyance to neighbors.
The Sector 5 has an area of \u200b\u200b8.5 hectares approx. Including the sports field. It is located southeast of the city of Valencia, between the coordinates (10 º 09 '59 35' N - 10 º 10 '16 36' N and 67 º 57 '59 03 "O - 67 º 58' 11 70" O)
For people of the Isabelica, Valencia, Venezuela enters here

Jansport Vs. North Face Durability

Valencia: (Historical Review)
The City of Our Lady of the Annunciation of the Nueva Valencia del Rey, was founded mid-sixteenth century, during colonial rule of Captain General Don Alonso Arias Villasinda, between the years 1553 and 1557 even though traditionally and historically has had with Alonso Díaz Moreno, Juan Vicente Diaz de Villegas and direct as its founders. Traditionally it has been established on March 25, 1555, the official date of foundation of our city of Valencia.
The oldest traces of man in Valencia was found during construction of the factory of the Private Industry Michelena Palmolive. Although most of the specimens were preserved by those who made the findings, archaeologist José María Cruxent could visit the scene and rescue some objects bound to the Science Museum: a grinding stone, two pestles, three axes. These objects were placed chronologically within the complex Michelena (IV millennium BC) and is included within the anthropological literature as the stage of hunter-gatherers: groups engaged in shellfish harvesting marine and terrestrial small game practice and experimental forms of plant domestication. From its founding to the present, our Gran Valencia del Rey, has also served as the seat of citizens of other regions of the country, who have found in this city, a space for shared values \u200b\u200band personal development, providing the best, to make Valencia, the city mirror Venezuela. 2005 was cuadringentésimo officially commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of its founding .

Urbanización "La Isabela" History:
After the fall of Perez Jimenez in the year 58-59. The President Romulo Betancourt announced the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a company built to support the development of the industrial zone. The studies were commissioned to address the urban development of MOP (Ministry of Public Works). The MOP in conjunction with the Workers' Bank selected a spot where it was working to build the city where the city would be?. Some opposed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a city worker, wanted to make a great development, not workers, to a development where it would accommodate people of different income levels, professionals, technicians and workers. The controversy between the MOP and the Banco Obrero was tremendous, it was stressed that the city workers would not work. this controversy is centered on the fact that he had an idea to build the development to Los Guayos and the Ministry approved development to the south, and finally chose this area. There was awareness that the South was flooded, why drainage channels had priority. While this was the dilemma between these two areas began experimental housing program in San Blas. With the initiative of Enrique (Hernandez), Head of the Project of San Blas and La Isabela, in fact he moved there and lived 2 or 3 years to be aware of it, with his initiative. He was project manager Isabelica formerly head of the unit for research and development, design development, who developed this program was experimental. This was famous, not only by architects but the Banco Obrero companies; they ended up designing the development of San Blas in which I use a construction based on steel structures, up to 4 floors, so that development there , so called development progress, anticipate future developments. The prize for the companies was a contract to build in San Blas. Once firms were selected, Enrique Hernández was working with the project team, students or recent graduates of the Faculty of Architecture, unity teacher, sharing in the power functions of the Banco Obrero Obrero
Bank acquired through purchase and sale agreement that celebrates with Juan Carmona, Oscar Guruceaga, Eugene Capucio, Raul Zarikian, Salvador Salvatierra rooms, Anibal Montenegro. Arturo Camacho, Miguel Angel Senior, Company limited en commandite "Benacerrat Coriat Susesores of Abraham", a farm called "La Isabela", located in the jurisdiction of the Municipality of San Blas, with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.027340,00 m2. The price of this sale is the amount of Bs 2,456,868.00 at the rate of Bs.2, 3 m2. Event recorded in the Registry Office District Subordinate Valencia on September 13th, 1965 under Issue 48, Folios164 177 Protocol 1st, Volume 11.
As also purchase the succession "Rauber Avendaño" an estate called Isabelica down "with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.5.75.979,80 m2. In the amount of Bs Bs.3.782.270.40 at a rate of 2.3 m2. According to documents filed with the Registry Office District subordinate Valencia on September 24, 1965 noted under Issue 62, pages 241 to 246, the 1st Protocol, Volume 11.
It started implementing the new approaches inspired by the English cities and, specifically, the Plan Hoock Since its inception in the 70's to today, Isabel has become territorial partner. This process is characterized by the impact of different stages housing policy, social and economic strategies on the dynamics of urbanization and socio respective organizational responses.
The perceptions of one of the founders of The Isabelica, 70 and 80 (Flor Jimenez), was a time of social harmony and solidarity in Isabela. "There was participation had green areas, community integration, we were all integrated, related, in the 70's was a boom sport and organized fairs Isabela. Now there is much difference between one community and another.
Year 1983 (Official Gazette Extraordinary No. 3241 of August 18), constituted the first Associations Neighborhood. 2000 begins execution at Isabela REHABILITATION PROGRAM of CONAVI popular neighborhoods. In this program, primarily involving the national public sector, represented by CONAVI and local government, represented by the Mayor of Valencia through FUNVAL.
According to the original planning in 4775 built the house Elizabeth apartments in thirteen and 3650 UD (Unit D), later renamed by sector.
In 1965, the president of Venezuela Raúl Leoni urbanization legally founded under the name of "Isabel", which was part of the Rafael Urdaneta old town, now a parish Rafael Urdaneta Municipality of Valencia, Carabobo State. The first settlements of the sector started in 04, was gradually extended to form the satellite city of Elizabeth as Valencia. At the same time formed the Industrial zone. With the arrival of the Ford Company of Venezuela one of the first to settle in the area. Boom brought great socioeconomic Isabela.
The first years, urbanization was only housing and the central part of the complex was a green lung, the Plaza Andres Bello also created as a place of entertainment with a variety of trees brought in especially for her. then began installing some businesses such as bakeries, shops, barber shops, Ladies hairdressers, shoe shops, supermarkets, etc and lately a large number of small kiosks that have occupied the old green areas and sidewalks. For 2005, the population was estimated at 78,000 inhabitants The Isabelica almost 50% of the inhabitants of the Rafael Urdaneta parish to which he belongs.

The community is organized into three areas: sectors, blocks and center island. It has a
approximate area of \u200b\u200b190 hectares (Source: GIS - Mayor of Valencia). In the sectors located mainly detached houses, there are 13 sectors, 5 of them located north of urbanization (1 to 5) and the rest (6 to 13) located to the south. While blocks are located in multifamily housing. There are 79 blocks located in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe development. However, there are 10 blocks located in sector 6 to 13 (Blocks 1 to 10).
In the central island located sports, markets and other stores, is a busy area of \u200b\u200bshops, such as copy centers, popular markets, Auto markets, supplies and hardware, liquor, Restaurants, Bakeries, Fast Food Centers and rubber.

Additionally, Isabel has a peripheral market that
covers an area of \u200b\u200b24,560 meters square, little more than two (02) hectares, is located near the central island of urbanization. It was built between 1976-1978 by the municipal administration
time in order to provide residents of the surrounding areas
food supply.

The inhabitants of the urbanization of Elizabeth and her business growing,
generate approximately 80 tons of garbage daily (Source: asci Carabobo).

Sector 05,

northeast of the complex is comprised of 239 houses and a block with 64 apartments, approximately 2,800 people living around. In the lower block 10 has a large supply, style supermarket, two hairdressers too. The private school "Mother of God" has over fifteen years and North Avenue south to 01 is the Clinic "Santa Barbara Bendita" no fast food sales, wholesale auto parts, pay movies, telephones and some others. And outside the sector but close we have two pharmacies, colleges and national colleges, toward the center of the complex are sports fields, swimming pools. The sector itself is a baseball field, softball field and tennis court and basket. At the health clinic there is also an SRI. Integrated Rehabilitation Service, north of the sector. A broken
stormwater and sewage runs along the peripherally by the north and east, through proper channels and never had problems with overflow.
more problems reported by the community are the failures of water pressure that have worsened over the past five years, probably due to the increase in neighboring populations. Security problems, so is managing the project for a community house, which must take the office of the Communal Council, a large multipurpose room, and a police mini module and a small medical office.

Currently the urban green areas have been filled with quick sales tarantines (Kiosks) This has caused great annoyance to neighbors.
The Sector 5 has an area of \u200b\u200b8.5 hectares approx. Including the sports field. It is located southeast of the city of Valencia, between the coordinates (10 º 09 '59 35' N - 10 º 10 '16 36' N and 67 º 57 '59 03 "O - 67 º 58' 11 70" O)
For people of the Isabelica, Valencia, Venezuela enters here

Jansport Vs. North Face Durability

Valencia: (Historical Review)
The City of Our Lady of the Annunciation of the Nueva Valencia del Rey, was founded mid-sixteenth century, during colonial rule of Captain General Don Alonso Arias Villasinda, between the years 1553 and 1557 even though traditionally and historically has had with Alonso Díaz Moreno, Juan Vicente Diaz de Villegas and direct as its founders. Traditionally it has been established on March 25, 1555, the official date of foundation of our city of Valencia.
The oldest traces of man in Valencia was found during construction of the factory of the Private Industry Michelena Palmolive. Although most of the specimens were preserved by those who made the findings, archaeologist José María Cruxent could visit the scene and rescue some objects bound to the Science Museum: a grinding stone, two pestles, three axes. These objects were placed chronologically within the complex Michelena (IV millennium BC) and is included within the anthropological literature as the stage of hunter-gatherers: groups engaged in shellfish harvesting marine and terrestrial small game practice and experimental forms of plant domestication. From its founding to the present, our Gran Valencia del Rey, has also served as the seat of citizens of other regions of the country, who have found in this city, a space for shared values \u200b\u200band personal development, providing the best, to make Valencia, the city mirror Venezuela. 2005 was cuadringentésimo officially commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of its founding .

Urbanización "La Isabela" History:
After the fall of Perez Jimenez in the year 58-59. The President Romulo Betancourt announced the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a company built to support the development of the industrial zone. The studies were commissioned to address the urban development of MOP (Ministry of Public Works). The MOP in conjunction with the Workers' Bank selected a spot where it was working to build the city where the city would be?. Some opposed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a city worker, wanted to make a great development, not workers, to a development where it would accommodate people of different income levels, professionals, technicians and workers. The controversy between the MOP and the Banco Obrero was tremendous, it was stressed that the city workers would not work. this controversy is centered on the fact that he had an idea to build the development to Los Guayos and the Ministry approved development to the south, and finally chose this area. There was awareness that the South was flooded, why drainage channels had priority. While this was the dilemma between these two areas began experimental housing program in San Blas. With the initiative of Enrique (Hernandez), Head of the Project of San Blas and La Isabela, in fact he moved there and lived 2 or 3 years to be aware of it, with his initiative. He was project manager Isabelica formerly head of the unit for research and development, design development, who developed this program was experimental. This was famous, not only by architects but the Banco Obrero companies; they ended up designing the development of San Blas in which I use a construction based on steel structures, up to 4 floors, so that development there , so called development progress, anticipate future developments. The prize for the companies was a contract to build in San Blas. Once firms were selected, Enrique Hernández was working with the project team, students or recent graduates of the Faculty of Architecture, unity teacher, sharing in the power functions of the Banco Obrero Obrero
Bank acquired through purchase and sale agreement that celebrates with Juan Carmona, Oscar Guruceaga, Eugene Capucio, Raul Zarikian, Salvador Salvatierra rooms, Anibal Montenegro. Arturo Camacho, Miguel Angel Senior, Company limited en commandite "Benacerrat Coriat Susesores of Abraham", a farm called "La Isabela", located in the jurisdiction of the Municipality of San Blas, with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.027340,00 m2. The price of this sale is the amount of Bs 2,456,868.00 at the rate of Bs.2, 3 m2. Event recorded in the Registry Office District Subordinate Valencia on September 13th, 1965 under Issue 48, Folios164 177 Protocol 1st, Volume 11.
As also purchase the succession "Rauber Avendaño" an estate called Isabelica down "with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.5.75.979,80 m2. In the amount of Bs Bs.3.782.270.40 at a rate of 2.3 m2. According to documents filed with the Registry Office District subordinate Valencia on September 24, 1965 noted under Issue 62, pages 241 to 246, the 1st Protocol, Volume 11.
It started implementing the new approaches inspired by the English cities and, specifically, the Plan Hoock Since its inception in the 70's to today, Isabel has become territorial partner. This process is characterized by the impact of different stages housing policy, social and economic strategies on the dynamics of urbanization and socio respective organizational responses.
The perceptions of one of the founders of The Isabelica, 70 and 80 (Flor Jimenez), was a time of social harmony and solidarity in Isabela. "There was participation had green areas, community integration, we were all integrated, related, in the 70's was a boom sport and organized fairs Isabela. Now there is much difference between one community and another.
Year 1983 (Official Gazette Extraordinary No. 3241 of August 18), constituted the first Associations Neighborhood. 2000 begins execution at Isabela REHABILITATION PROGRAM of CONAVI popular neighborhoods. In this program, primarily involving the national public sector, represented by CONAVI and local government, represented by the Mayor of Valencia through FUNVAL.
According to the original planning in 4775 built the house Elizabeth apartments in thirteen and 3650 UD (Unit D), later renamed by sector.
In 1965, the president of Venezuela Raúl Leoni urbanization legally founded under the name of "Isabel", which was part of the Rafael Urdaneta old town, now a parish Rafael Urdaneta Municipality of Valencia, Carabobo State. The first settlements of the sector started in 04, was gradually extended to form the satellite city of Elizabeth as Valencia. At the same time formed the Industrial zone. With the arrival of the Ford Company of Venezuela one of the first to settle in the area. Boom brought great socioeconomic Isabela.
The first years, urbanization was only housing and the central part of the complex was a green lung, the Plaza Andres Bello also created as a place of entertainment with a variety of trees brought in especially for her. then began installing some businesses such as bakeries, shops, barber shops, Ladies hairdressers, shoe shops, supermarkets, etc and lately a large number of small kiosks that have occupied the old green areas and sidewalks. For 2005, the population was estimated at 78,000 inhabitants The Isabelica almost 50% of the inhabitants of the Rafael Urdaneta parish to which he belongs.

The community is organized into three areas: sectors, blocks and center island. It has a
approximate area of \u200b\u200b190 hectares (Source: GIS - Mayor of Valencia). In the sectors located mainly detached houses, there are 13 sectors, 5 of them located north of urbanization (1 to 5) and the rest (6 to 13) located to the south. While blocks are located in multifamily housing. There are 79 blocks located in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe development. However, there are 10 blocks located in sector 6 to 13 (Blocks 1 to 10).
In the central island located sports, markets and other stores, is a busy area of \u200b\u200bshops, such as copy centers, popular markets, Auto markets, supplies and hardware, liquor, Restaurants, Bakeries, Fast Food Centers and rubber.

Additionally, Isabel has a peripheral market that
covers an area of \u200b\u200b24,560 meters square, little more than two (02) hectares, is located near the central island of urbanization. It was built between 1976-1978 by the municipal administration
time in order to provide residents of the surrounding areas
food supply.

The inhabitants of the urbanization of Elizabeth and her business growing,
generate approximately 80 tons of garbage daily (Source: asci Carabobo).

Sector 05,

northeast of the complex is comprised of 239 houses and a block with 64 apartments, approximately 2,800 people living around. In the lower block 10 has a large supply, style supermarket, two hairdressers too. The private school "Mother of God" has over fifteen years and North Avenue south to 01 is the Clinic "Santa Barbara Bendita" no fast food sales, wholesale auto parts, pay movies, telephones and some others. And outside the sector but close we have two pharmacies, colleges and national colleges, toward the center of the complex are sports fields, swimming pools. The sector itself is a baseball field, softball field and tennis court and basket. At the health clinic there is also an SRI. Integrated Rehabilitation Service, north of the sector. A broken
stormwater and sewage runs along the peripherally by the north and east, through proper channels and never had problems with overflow.
more problems reported by the community are the failures of water pressure that have worsened over the past five years, probably due to the increase in neighboring populations. Security problems, so is managing the project for a community house, which must take the office of the Communal Council, a large multipurpose room, and a police mini module and a small medical office.

Currently the urban green areas have been filled with quick sales tarantines (Kiosks) This has caused great annoyance to neighbors.
The Sector 5 has an area of \u200b\u200b8.5 hectares approx. Including the sports field. It is located southeast of the city of Valencia, between the coordinates (10 º 09 '59 35' N - 10 º 10 '16 36' N and 67 º 57 '59 03 "O - 67 º 58' 11 70" O)
For people of the Isabelica, Valencia, Venezuela enters here

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Historical Review Videos Photos Vintage

dealing with a Community Council of Petare, click the following url:

Neutrogena Morning Glow Wash

Historical Review Videos Photos Vintage

dealing with a Community Council of Petare, click the following url:

Neutrogena Morning Glow Wash

Historical Review Videos Photos Vintage

dealing with a Community Council of Petare, click the following url:

Neutrogena Morning Glow Wash

Historical Review Videos Photos Vintage

dealing with a Community Council of Petare, click the following url:

Neutrogena Morning Glow Wash

Historical Review Videos Photos Vintage

dealing with a Community Council of Petare, click the following url: